BOOK REVIEW: Let It Snow by Maureen Johnson, John Green, Lauren Myracle







A friend of mine read this and it really appealed to me (mostly because John Green.) and so, my best friend bought it, and, like the best friend she was, she let me borrow it.

It took me a day and a half.

I was both trying to finish it and also, wanting it to never, ever end.

The story was SO adorable and I felt like reading it was a grand adventure. The characters were really realistic and I could imagine them existing in Gracetown, and there are not many books that make me imagine that.

What I learned from this book in a sentence: Even the craziest risks can give you the best memories.

Also: I need to go to Starbucks AND somehow eat hash browns.

Instead of character discussion, I’m going for the overall story discussion.


It was really cute and warm and fuzzy, as compared to the other two stories. I love Jubilee! She was so like me! 😀 Awkward, saying-weird-stuff-all-the-time, glasses donned, etc. Yeah. The awkwardness was something I could totally relate to. This story had more of a flare than the other ones. I couldn’t put the book down while reading this story. It was, I guess, more fast-paced emotionally. Stuart was quite interesting, though his mom was creepy af. xD It was honestly cute, though, especially the ending. AND YEAH, Noah was mean. 😐 Not the best dude alive for Jubilee. YAY FOR JUBILEE AND STUART! YASSSS!


It was pretty interesting, too, especially since I recognized the John Green style of writing. I liked the Duke’s boyish character that basically cracked open in the end :’D And, it’s hard to believe, but, I was also tomboy-ish once. >_> OKAY, MOVING ON. The Duke and Tobin were SO adorable! Even when they were in Starbucks! >w< And, cheerleaders. e_e Things never really turn out as you expect, huh? Guys are really shallow when it comes to cheerleaders, as proved in this story. x___x And, those Reston twins were such jerkss! D: Thank God I didn’t have to deal with, uh, such characters in life. ;w; And the whole chase was so cool! Which only ended in disappointment with the whole cheerleader thing, but, TOBIN AND ANGIE! ❤ They are just so cute. >u<


Okay, I was ever so slightly pissed at the beginning of it, because I think the first few chapters were SO wasted on Addie crying about Jeb when she was being WAY too hasty in concluding something about him. Addie was seriously self-centered in the beginning. >_< Ya know, the fact that she actually cut off her, ugh, BLOND hair (WHICH SOUNDS SO BEAUTIFULLL) and dyed it pink. D: The start of the story was actually boring, since they kept repeating the same thing over and over about Jeb, but, it became MUCH better later. The ending was adorable and the ‘Christmas Angel’ x’D AND THEN JUBILEE, STUART, ANGIE, TOBIN, JEB AND ADDIE ALL MEETING UP IN THE SAME PLACE! :”D It was perfect! :3

 – some quotes I got from the book I really liked –

“One person’s crazy is another person’s sane.”

“Yeah, let it snow. Let it snow and snow and bury me. Very funny, Life.”

“I was fueled by the power of confusion and panic.”

“Knowing something is beautiful and caring about it are two very different things.”

“Once you think a thought, it is extremely difficult to unthink it.”

“You should never give up a happy middle in the hopes of a happy ending, because there is no such thing as a happy ending.”

“It’s not what the universe gives us that matters. It’s what we give the universe.”

And, these, too! *w*

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~ I am so freaking sorry for the delay! WHAT HAPPENED WAS THAT: I was supposed to post this on the 25th of December, because, you know, AND THEN, I ended up going to my mom’s sister’s place and I totally forgot this post lived in my drafts. I suck. ;w; Hope you guys had an awesome holiday! Even though I’m SO late! ^-^ ~



BOOK REVIEW: Will Grayson, Will Grayson by John Green


(THE COVER IS SO PURPLE *^* and it’s from johngreen.wikia.com)

My attempt to read all John Green books is going well :3 I’ve just got to get my hands on Let It Snow 😀

AHEM. Anyway.

This book was a really nice escape. It wasn’t so heavy, it wasn’t too light and it was an honest break from all the dystopian books I read 😀 The whole setting was an amazing world to run away to and live in. It sounded so alive. :’)

Spoilers. Don’t say I didn’t warn you ’cause I just did.

What I learned from this book in a sentence: Some chances are mad; but, they may be worth taking.


The Will Graysons: Well, I prefer the one with the good grammar. ouo The proper use of grammar is attractive. Seriously. xD

OKAY, so, I was saying.



The second one, thoughhh. >/////<


They’re really interesting characters. I like both of them because, well, they’re real. That’s the thing with John Green’s characters: They are so realistic you could literally imagine them walking around Chicago suburbs.

Will Grayson with the not-so-good grammar is obviously pretty screwed up. It’s probably because of the fact that he doesn’t really have any optimism around him. His mom’s pretty depressed because of, well, LIFE, and she is somehow so into the depressive state that she doesn’t know how to console her own son. Their conversations seem so honest, but, at the same time, really dismissive, even though Will’s mom tries so hard to talk to him. He’s pretty screwed up. I think Tiny’s entrance in Will Grayson’s life was just a spark. He and his mom changed just by meeting him. Their conversations seem somewhat meaningful and Will uses less of that dismissive tone. And, Will actually speaks to Maura because of Tiny. And, going to Hold Me Closer was also something the pre-Tiny Will Grayson would not have gone to. He would not have gotten so many Will Graysons to appreciate Tiny. That’s the obvious difference between pre-Tiny Will Grayson and post-Tiny Will Grayson.

Will Grayson with the good grammar (sighs dreamily >u<) is kinda like the not-so-good-grammar Will Grayson, except with the positive reinforcements. Maybe Tiny’s an overload of positivity which doesn’t really help Will with his. I mean, he’s a really insecure guy with the idea of keeping himself quiet. Like John Green once said:

The thing about chameleoning your way through life is that it gets to where nothing is real.

Which is very true. I think Jane brings out the best in Will Grayson, making him ACTUALLY say what he feels for a short period of time. But, it happened! And, it was adorable. x3 He isn’t a complete jerk. He actually confessed to Jane and to Tiny in such a vulnerable way, but, he still went through with it. Probably shutting up too much drove him to go to that, uh, store. And hence, the “Will Grayson, meet Will Grayson.”

Tiny Cooper: One heck of a character. Explosive and bursting. The fact that he channeled all that jumpiness into making Hold Me Closer was probably a great achievement. But, I don’t really have anything against gay people, and I think Tiny Cooper was a really good character. Even though he went through boyfriends one after the other, he was still a memorable guy. He also played matchmaker with Jane and good-grammar Will Grayson! That I am thankful for. xD Also, his musical sounded so amazing. It should seriously exist! >< Too bad. :I

Jane Turner: At first, when Will first described her, I thought she wasn’t much of a character in the story. And, Will didn’t fall in love with her at first sight! Finally! It wasn’t like, “Wow, she’s so beautiful I love her on the basis of the fact that she is appealing to me” and instead, her music taste was taken into consideration, and even though Will and Jane had different favorite songs of Neutral Milk Hotel, THEY STILL ENDED UP TOGETHER. ❤ Which was fab, though. It was an unlikely ship that sailed! ^O^

Maura (IDK HER LAST NAME XD): Okay, Will immediately labels her as annoying ._. I mean, she’s not annoying, more like curious. I would be if my *only* friend won’t come out about being gay COME ON WILL YOU’RE NOT THAT MYSTERIOUS. So, yeah, her being Isaac was pretty surprising – one of my friends actually cried x”D – BUT YOU KNOW WHAT HAPPENED? I accidentally opened the book randomly and Will was saying his friend Isaac’s real name was Tiny and I was pretty much like, “Oh, great, read a spoiler DX.” THEN, when I found out Maura was really Isaac, then, well, it didn’t serve as a death blow to me. I was just like, “Fine.” JUST BECAUSE OF THAT STUPID SPOILER D: Anyway, her character WAS actually pretty cool, mainly ’cause she kind of cared about Will, but at the same time had to be a bit I-don’t-care-about-love.

~ I am SO sorry about being hella late. I started this AGES ago and have finished this now, which proves how lazy I am x___x AND, to top it off, I have an exam tomorrow. Yey. ~




Paper Towns comic.


You have to read it. Even if it’s incomplete. 

It’s so awesome, you, person, just. Have. To. Check. It. Out. Now. :3

~ Anyway. Thanks. 😀 ~

*insert throwing s picture here. For some reason, I can’t post it! D: Still throwing s, though. >w<*



BOOK REVIEW: Looking For Alaska by John Green



(Source: bloggersbookshelf.blogspot.com)

Well. This. Book.

I think that should be my start to EVERY review of a John Green book.

So, as always, this book is deep. And, like always. Characters. And I’m also going to discuss the book’s message after the characters, so stay tuned!

(First off, I’m REALLY against drinking and smoking. All I can say.)

Miles “Pudge” Halter: Well. Sure, he isn’t the best/cutest person in the world, but he’s loyal. Out of all things. He knows his place in his friends’ lives and his parents’. The best thing is that he isn’t an annoying, rebellious guy with parental issues. And, what’s best about him, LAST WORDS! I didn’t know last words of people were SO interesting and witty and funny, even if they were dying. >______> But, I feel sorry for him. He loved Alaska, he really did. But, you know. All things must end. And, him dealing with Alaska’s death was the saddest thing ever. The death of a character really isn’t all that sad. The reactions of the people who love them is much, much sadder.

Chip “The Colonel” Martin: Okay, I am totes against guys who smoke and drink, as previously mentioned. But, the Colonel seems like an old softy. He covers his sensitivity up with drinking and smoking. But, he and Alaska have such a good relationship as friends, that it makes me feel happy. Happy that guys and girls can JUST be friends. And, he memorizes capitals! Everyone in this story has some interesting quirks, and it’s cool. The capital of Uzbekistan? Well. I didn’t know. But this guy knew! But, the Colonel is so loyal to his mom, that’s the best thing. He admits how he wants to buy her a house. That’s the sweetest thing I can hear someone say. Really.

Takumi Hikohito: Well, he didn’t have much of a role in the AFTER part >< But, he’s still a caring friend. He still was a part of Alaska’s life. He wasn’t so nagging and interceding about why Pudge and the Colonel were acting so ignorant. Well. In all honesty, his letter made me tear up. That he even bothered to tell Pudge and the Colonel about how even he let Alaska go. That is what LOYALTY to your friends is, people! Plus. HE’S THE FOX.

Lara Buterskaya: Hm. Let’s just say I shipped-but-didn’t-ship her with Pudge. I mean, when they first started out, I thought, “Aw, that’s cute!” But then, their relationship wasn’t really built on anything. They didn’t connect in some spiritual, firework-y kind of way. It was just based on. Um. Yeah. Never mind. But, she seems quite cute, and ROMANIAN, I might remind you. And she forgave Pudge. I’m glad there wasn’t any I’ll-hate-you-forever-Pudge kind of thing, though I think both sides are to blame. Lara was being kind of dodgy, mainly, I think, because of her friend, Katie, who, eventually, also forgives Pudge. But, Pudge should have told Lara the truth. I guess it would be best for the both of them.

Alaska Young: Wow. Just the perfect definition of a broken teenager. God. When I read her back story, it was just sad. Really sad. I couldn’t believe that such a young girl had to deal with such a situation. And, of course her dad blamed her. When someone dies, there always should be someone to blame. That’s a side effect of anger. You just need to blame someone. And, it’s true that Alaska blamed herself. Sure, she wasn’t perfect. But none of us are. And Alaska. She blamed herself so much, so much that she let herself go. :/ I don’t know. Still remains the mystery of whether it was an accident or suicide. I think suicide. I think all the strings inside her broke, she knew she screwed up, not calling 911 on her mother, telling on Marya and Paul, missing her mom’s death anniversary. She thought she had no one else to live for. Little did she know of her friends. Her friends who were so alone, who loved her. That’s just one thing she didn’t think of. And. POOF. She was gone.

Now, comes the question. How will we ever get out of this labyrinth of suffering?

Maybe there isn’t a way out. Maybe this labyrinth exists forever, up to a certain point. Maybe, we can ease the pain. We can love. We can laugh. We can forgive. We can live. We can live without hurting. Just be happy. Maybe we won’t just come out of the labyrinth, just like that. Maybe the pain will be easier to bear. Maybe. Just maybe.

So, why not try to live?


~ Well, thanks for reading! I’m really thankful to all you guys, whether you read or don’t read my blog. I’m just really thankful. You guys have NO idea. Thank you. And I mean it. ~



The Hate on John Green.



Why in the world would ANYONE hate on John Green? Because he’s writing about broken people?
He isn’t the one to make Margo the most perfect girl Quentin ever imagined in Paper Towns. He didn’t make Augustus the strongest boy for Hazel. He didn’t. He knows that people have weaknesses and people have strengths. He knows REALITY. Now, what’s wrong with pointing out reality? Stop hating on him. His stories are amazing and so DEEP, so deep that they haunt me at some point. You can’t blame him for making the truth as the truth. Most authors exaggerate so much, especially in girls, about how they are so perfect inwardly and outwardly. But, John Green DOES NOT do that. He makes people how they are. He shows that people ARE people. Not fake people. 
*sigh* I’m good now.


Not really.

I mean, what’s NOT beautiful about his writing? Sure, he isn’t PERFECT in his work. Nobody really is. But, he knows his story, he knows how to shape it, he knows how to maintain his characters.

And, he doesn’t put the two lovers together right at the beginning (on the basis of The Fault in Our Stars and Paper Towns) (which kinda sucked). He lets them find each other, grow to each other and then actual love. Not, ‘Hey-I-just-met-you-and-this-is-crazy-but-I’m-already-in-love-with-you-haha’.

Plus, he’s a vlogger! Vloggers are awesome! And he has SUCH a good relationship with his brother. It just makes me happy. Because these days, being brothers or sisters have no meaning. I mean, brothers kill each other over property >_> Ohhkay, putting that aside.

John Green is a good person. He may not be the best person, but he is a good person, and if we work our way from being good to being the best, won’t everything be so much more better?

~ Thanks for reading. I really felt the need for posting this. John Green doesn’t deserve hate for being a writer. Writers. Are. Awesome. Ask me! 😀 Kidding. Thanks for reading! Lots of love to you, reader! ~


(Remember, not real hearts.)


BOOK REVIEW: Paper Towns


This book.

This insane, twisted, deep book.

It just left me in a straight-up daze after I was done reading it.

It was so dark. Dark. I think that’s it. I expected someone to die, because I’m quite acquainted with authors who kill off their characters

*cough* you did that, too, John *cough*

But, this book, in my perspective, tries to tell us that everything is just not what it seems. Even the most perfect town, the most perfect city, the most perfect country can have its hamartias (I really love this word now). It can be fake, it’s happiness built out of nothing and it’s people someway and somehow broken, no matter how joyful.

And, even the one with the most built-up ego can be shattered.

Character discussion time. And I’ll leave the best for last.

Quentin: I’m sorry but I just. I have a crush on him! He’s not your typical going-out-and-drinking-all-night-long kind of guy. Those kind of guys are just so abundant these days that people like Quentin Jacobsen and Augustus Waters are rare and precious gems. So, back to Q. I was mainly mad at him when he just wouldn’t tell Margo. Sure, she had Jase to worry about, but. It’s a ship! You can’t just give up on a ship! I shipped them so freaking much, it was just wrong when he wouldn’t admit to his love for her. He cared about her SO MUCH, he went crazy after her. Skipping prom, skipping GRADUATION, which, judging by Q’s personality, he would NOT have missed at any cost. That shows true love! That shows how much he cares about her! The saddest parts were when he would get SO utterly depressed that he throws a freaking fit, punching cushions and screaming and all that. That. Was. Sad. Especially when he thought that Margo would kill herself.

Perfect for Q: Nat Wolff. He’s just perfect and cute and he’ll fit into Q!


Q’s parents: I kinda put them as one character, really. Both being therapists, they almost played equal parts in raising Q. I mean, it’s good having therapists as parents. They check up on you, and I guess that’s what is most important. They’re not the judge-y, annoying kind of parents who talk trash about other parents. They state the facts. Which, at some points, may be wrong, but it’s better than going, “Those Spiegelmans. They know nothing about raisin’ kids! Those big-mouths.”

Radar and Ben: Counting them as one, again. Radar’s more of a better friend, I guess. I mean, what with the Omnictionary, the kid’s a genius! Plus, I guess he’s kind of neglected by his parents. His parents. Wow. That black Santa collection. Perhaps they get so caught in collecting, they ignore Radar. That’s why he’s more of a friend-person and he runs a freaking website. And, then there’s Ben. He’s kind of selfish at some points. I mean, I don’t quite blame him. Ben has prom, which he’s been obsessing about for ages, then graduation. But, I start to think he is better when he and Radar and Lacey skip graduation to get Margo.

Lacey: Lacey’s okay. She isn’t too much of a bad person. In fact, I hate it when Lacey and Margo fight. First off, Margo deserves friends. She’s the kind of person who SHOULD be surrounded by people. Then, Lacey and Margo fight over being fat and being curvy or whatever. That just pisses me off. Why do girls fight like that? “You’re so fat!” “Why’d you steal my boyfriend?” “He’s MINE, screw off!” That’s why, I think Margo and Lacey are the perfect representation of how annoyed all of us are of girls fighting like that pointlessly. 

Becca and Jase: If I could slap them both, I would. Really. I would. Why? I should ask this first. Why cheat on your girlfriend? Just break her heart once and tell her you’ve got another love in your life or whatever. But cheating is just wrong and gross and emotionally inhumane. It’s like playing a game with a person’s heart. And Becca. She was supposed to be Margo’s friend. And Becca just goes out of her way to betray Margo with Jase. And the heartless boyfriend, Jase. This is basically what’s left of school life. A girl’s best friend screws with the girl’s boyfriend. Betrayal is just so common, now, that no one thinks about it before acting. Plain. Wrong.

The Spiegelmans: If I had to choose the most heartless people in the whole book, it would have to be Mr. and Mrs. Spiegelman. They don’t even CARE. Care is just too much of a word for them to try it out. And what angered me the most? The most that I felt so, uber-angry? When Mrs. Spiegelman told Margo – and the ONLY thing she probably told Margo – was that they changed the locks. That’s so cool! Tell your run-away daughter that, “Hey! Why’d you run away? Okay, who cares, we’re not letting it happen again, we’ve changed the locks. Now try to run.” Margo had EVERY RIGHT to scream.

Last, but never least,

Margo Roth Spiegelman: I only stated her full name because it’s so bursting with letters and syllables that you can’t not say her name. I tried multiple times and it’s just FUN! 😀 Anyway, back to the character. She is the perfect representation of people today. That’s what I think. That she’s a girl who is popular and well-known. And, when she runs away, it tears everyone apart because their social leader, the spunky and full-of-life Margo is gone. But, Quentin realizes she’s just a girl. Margo, who’s been on thousands of unbelievable adventures, is just a girl. What is being said here is that even the most egotistical, big-headed person has their strings. They have their own way of being broken. Everyone does. And, when you realize that Margo is just a little girl affected by her peers and parents and surroundings, it’s a huge surprise. Big people do have small weaknesses. We all do. Even a paper town with paper families and paper houses have their happiness, whether it is paper or not.

So, it really did change my perspective. That even larger-than-life kind of people are just people. They’re not perfected human beings. They have weak points, they have hamartias. They are just people. We’re all just people! It doesn’t mean that we have to go crazy-thirsty for fame, for wealth. When we gain all that, we’ll still be just people. 

~ Thank you thank you THANK YOU for reading! Thank you. Really. I mean it :3 Feedback, maybe? ~



BOOK REVIEW: The Fault in Our Stars PART 2

I’m doing this ’cause I JUST realized that I summarized TFIOS in my last post. I didn’t REVIEW it.

(I’m sorry I was tired and whatever :I)

This book has like, ten thousand layers about life and death.

It was so ironic how Hazel was afraid to be a grenade to her parents and Augustus, while Augustus became her grenade.

That makes the book twisted.



I’m going to do an overview on the characters. Not all, I guess, most of them. Sorry, tired xD

Hazel: I love her. Really. There’s nothing more exciting about a girl WHO LOVES TO READ! And she’s interested in wordplay! That’s hella rare these days. Sure, she’s sad and depressed, and I’m mainly pissed that she wouldn’t admit how much she loves-not-loves Augustus in the beginning of the book. Anyhow, she’s so STRONG. Sure, she blocks out people from her life, but she has the undeniable strength that most cancer patients lose.

Augustus: Dear GOD. This boy is just the main representation of all what boys these days lack! A sense of fan-boy, yes, proper and quick use of words. These days, all I hear boys say, is “Baby, how you doin’.” Thank you, I’d rather have you explain a metaphor for me. So, his death was sad, but it fit the story. That’s why it’s sad. Such a deep character, though. Even if he seemed vain and careless, he had a heart of gold.

Isaac: Okay, he’s blond, and that is kind of an issue, but Nat Wolff just clicked with Isaac. It’s like if you look at Nat Wolff, you’d be like, “That’s Isaac.” So, book-Isaac is like Hazel and Augustus. Cancer depresses him, and then his stupid girlfriend. I mean, nothing angered me in the book more than Monica. Poor Isaac. He turns blind and his good-for-nothing girlfriend can’t ‘handle him’. That’s not the kind of thing you say to a cancer victim. 

Hazel’s Mom: I think the most broken of all these characters is Hazel’s mom. Her dad, too, but a mother plays a major role for the child, much bigger than a father. It was so sad for Hazel’s mom to go through everything. To have a kid, only to see her grow into cancer. Hazel’s mom, who, made me (almost) cry, when she said, “I’m not going to be a mom anymore.” Imagine. Tearing an innocent child away from his/her mother. That’s more oppression than you can EVER ask for. And, one scene, Hazel gets excited when Lidewij tells her about the Amsterdam trip. Then, Hazel shouts for her mom. When her mom comes in, she says, with a deep breath, I might add, “I was… I was just trying to take a bath.” (Sorry if that’s not it exactly but) and I feel her pain. Hazel’s mom cuts herself out of the world, out of comfort, out of sanity, just for Hazel. And then, Hazel starts shouting for her mom, and her mom feels, “Oh, no” and it’s like Hazel was having an attack again. And her mom. She stayed by Hazel’s requests and outbursts and whines. That’s why she’s my favorite character in the book.

Hazel’s dad: Hazel’s dad doesn’t have SUCH a big part, like he should, but he’s understanding. At most points in the book, when people talk about cancer victims like little, helpless puppies, Hazel’s dad is there. He knows how Hazel feels, which is not as a pitiful creature. He knows that cancer victims are just normal people who are TRYING to fit in, but the world won’t see them like that.

Peter Van Houten: Straight up, this guy’s a meanie. Like, really mean. That’s what I thought when I read about him first. But, when I found out about his daughter, it made me so sad. Like, that’s how the parents of dead cancer patients feel. Broken, irreparable and just downright sad. They don’t expect the horrible impact of the departure of their kids. And, the result. Van Houten.

Lidewij: She’s cool! Really! She’s persistent and wants and KNOWS Van Houten has some good in him. She works so hard despite his annoying attitude, and I think she secretly ships Hazel and Augustus. But, she’s quite awesome.



BOOK REVIEW: The Fault In Our Stars


The Fault in Our Stars by John Green.

What a book.


Spoilers, guys, spoilers.

This book was just so beautiful. It was so beautiful and scary and I just.


Did he?!

Let’s begin the review, though.

The book starts up with a depressed teen, Hazel Grace Lancaster.


Her mom basically forces her to go to a Cancer Support Group, where a bunch of people with cancer just talk to each other for support. So, Hazel goes, wordlessly, though she thinks Support Group is a bunch of crap. 

I mean, I agree.

Why would you tell cancer kids, “Hey, it’s okay, you’ll get better, just think happy” and all that.

They should be left alone. You don’t actually know what they feel.

That is why cancer is a hell of a creepy and mysterious disease.

So, Hazel kinda befriends this other boy, Isaac, who’s got eye cancer and a fake eye.

Can I just say that I have a crush on Isaac?

I mean, LOOK AT HIM.


(Okay, so he doesn’t have a fake eye in the movie, but whatever)


(Even if he’s supposed to be blond :I Okay.)

I knew Nat Wolff, so maybe that’s why I have a crush on him. I watched the Naked Brother’s Band when I was a kid, but no one seems to know about that >_> So. Yeah.

Anyway, one day, Isaac brings along his friend who’s got a fake leg, Augustus Waters.

His name. It sounds so made-for-each-other!

And he is so CUTE!


And Augustus Waters and Hazel fall in love, right there and then. Even if Hazel won’t admit it.

Augustus takes Hazel home and they watch a movie, V for Vendetta, in which the heroine, Natalie Portman, has the same haircut as Hazel. And there, Hazel and Augustus exchange books and realize they’re bookworms! It’s so cute :3

At some point, Isaac turns blind. They end up cutting his eyes out to remove the cancer. And he has this girlfriend, Monica, who’s a total ***** and leaves him when he’s blind, saying “She can’t handle it.”

Skipping all over the plot, Hazel’s favorite book, An Imperial Affliction, has, like, a sudden end. It ends in mid-sentence and it leaves Hazel hanging and she really wants to know what happens to the other characters. She knows the author of the book, Peter Van Houten, lives in Amsterdam, so she writes to him over and over, asking him about the story.

But he never answers.

So, Augustus writes to him and gets a reply. Peter Van Houten invites them to Amsterdam. So, seeing all this, Augustus uses this cancer wish that every cancer kid gets once in his/her life. He uses it to get him, Hazel and Hazel’s mom to go to Amsterdam.

Hazel’s over-whelmed, duh, but she finds out a lot about Augustus’ ex, Caroline Mathers, who died of brain cancer. Something happens and Hazel ends up in the hospital in a vital condition. 

And there goes the Amsterdam trip.

Hazel’s doctor says yes, though. Hazel, her mom and Augustus are booked to go to Amsterdam. Hazel’s dad stays back in America, but he’s sad to see them leave, and cries. Which Hazel says he does all the time.

In the plane, Augustus expresses his love for Hazel, which Hazel brushes off. She says she doesn’t want to be a grenade for Augustus and end up dying and hurting him. But Augustus still loves her. That’s the beauty of this book.

At Amsterdam, they enjoy a meal at a restaurant, and enjoy their time there. 

Then comes the part where they meet Van Houten.

Lidewij, his assistant, actually sets this up to make Van Houten a bit back to life. He’s actually deep in alcoholism and Swedish rap music.

Van Houten ends up being a complete loser. He doesn’t tell Hazel anything about An Imperial Affliction, and just shuns both Augustus and Hazel. They leave with Lidewij, who resigns, and go to the Anne Frank House.

Hazel realizes how much she loves Augustus and they share a scene in the house and then go back to the hotel room and you know.


The next day, Augustus tells Hazel that his cancer is spreading. That his days of living have a limit now.

And they cry 😥 Which makes me upset even more.

When they return back home, Hazel spends as much time with Augustus as possible. But, he’s swarmed by his two sisters and their husbands, who barely contact Augustus. This angers Hazel a bit.

I feel the same! In the entire book, Augustus’s sisters barely talk or contact him. Now, he’s sick and they bring along their husbands and little children and act like they’ve taken care of Augustus his whole life.

Which is sad, really.

At one point, Augustus goes to buy cigarettes (which he doesn’t light. What he does is put the killing thing between his teeth, but doesn’t give it the power to do its killing. A metaphor!) at a gas station and he has this G-tube, a tube in his stomach that lets liquid nutrition in his stomach. So, it moves, and he tries to fix it, and screws up. He calls Hazel, who shows up and calls nine-one-one.

That scene was so sad. :c

Then, Augustus gets Isaac and Hazel to where Support Group is held, in a part of a church, which they call the Literal Heart Of Jesus. There, Isaac and Hazel hold a pre-funeral and talk about Augustus.

The next chapter. He dies.

The whole atmosphere becomes depressed and sad and upsetting.

At his funeral, Isaac and Hazel talk about him, and honestly, IT WAS SAD.

Then Van Houten shows up.

He gets a ride from Hazel and her parents till his car. They don’t talk much, just drink >_<

Soon, Isaac tells Hazel that Augustus was working on a sequel for An Imperial Affliction.

Hazel looks everywhere for it, but she can’t find anything.

She emails Lidewij if she has it.

And runs into Van Houten again.

Van Houten tells her that he had a daughter who also died of cancer. That’s why he’s depressed and sad and turns to alcohol.

Hazel, who basically forgives him, pities the man, now, which makes me happy that they get an understanding between each other.

Hazel gets an email from Lidewij. Augustus did send a letter to Van Houten, which Lidewij attaches to her email.

Augustus explains his love for Hazel in the letter and tells Van Houten how “she walks lightly upon the earth.” Which makes the book even sadder.

In the end, he says he liked his choice of Hazel. And he says that he hopes she likes her choice, too.

Hazel: “I do, Augustus.

I do.”


That was a lot to write.

So, my review is that this book, no matter it is sad, makes us cherish each moment we’re alive in. And it makes you realize that you should know more about wordplay because Hazel and Augustus make it sound so professional. 

I finish this review by quoting Julius Caesar,

“The fault, dear Brutus, is not in our stars

but in ourselves.”

~ Let me know if I got something wrong, I wrote this in a bit of a hurry! :3 Thank you for reading! ~